Greg Long, offerring a personal guiding and gillie service for Brown trout fishing in Ireland

Trout Angling in Ireland

The Wild Brown Trout found in the Irish Loughs are a magnificent breed, thick of body, fighting fit and beautiful to the eye..
    Born in the feeder streams to the lake, genetically pure, these trout are a wonder to behold.
    Because these are wild fish in the true sense of the word, their capture requires a certain degree of knowledge, both about their habits and their habitat.
    Unless you have years to spend seeking them they can prove somewhat elusive at times, this is due to their nomadic nature, following the food. It is this knowledge that comes from experience.
    These Trout are usually fished for from a drifting boat, and are often in amongst the rocks, because of this it is advisable to employ either a Guide, Gillie or Boatman when first venturing onto the Loughs as they can be dangerous to the unwary. There are often hidden rocks just below the surface, and at times you may be over 15 ft of water and on a rock within 2 yards.

Greg Long « » Artist and Angler « » Dublin « » Ireland « » phone: +353 87 8110708